
Monday, June 11, 2007

Quick Study "The Power Of Giving"

One of the toughest things to do as Christians is to tithe. Let me rephrase that; one of the most awesome things we get to do as Christians is give back to our Father. It shouldn't be a tough decision when it comes to tithing. The proper way to give back to the Lord is to give cheerfully. So why do so many Christians give grudgingly? They don't have faith in God or His word. They don't understand that God loves cheerful giver and that He rewards your actions. The Lord will open the windows of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have enough room to store it. I mean one of the reasons we tithe is to show our faithfulness and obedience to our Heavenly Father. For example, I did something last week that I thought I would never be able to do. After losing my job and knowing that we needed the money, I brought our tithe to the Lord. I did this in faithfulness and obedience, knowing that the Father will bless us. God is our source, He is our provider. I know that we will be alright. So next Sunday when you give back to the Father, give cheerfully. If you don't give cheerfully, don't give at all.

Scripture Reading Malachi 3:10, Luke 6:38

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