
Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Quick Study "Renew, Renew, Renew!!!"

It doesn't matter how strong you are in your spiritual life, you need to remember one very important thing. So many Christians go day in and day out in a struggle, not knowing why they are in a struggle. So many Christians think that you can get away with reading at little here and and little there. Too many Christians just go to church and figure that's good enough. The only way that you are not going to be conformed to this world is by the continuous renewal of your mind. My advice to people is to get into the word first thing in the morning, before you do anything else. When you renew your mind, you are telling God that He has control of your life. I have found if I don't renew my mind every morning, satan has control of your life. I guarantee you will have a miserable day!!!! As believers we need this transformation every morning. It's your choice; I recommend that you renew your mind every day. This will definitely keep you out of the world and in the spirit.

Scripture Reading Romans 12:2

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