
Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Quick Study "The Power Of Words"

Our words. . .they can either make us, or they can break us. Our words are either against God, or they are for God. Our words have a lot of power. Words can build others up, or tear them down. All to often we speak what is on our minds. We don't seem to think on our thoughts before we release them from our mouths. So why are we as Christians often guilty of tearing others down? When we were born again and became a new creation, we received the mind of Christ (1 Cor. 2:16). So if we have the minds of Christ, should we not have the thoughts of Christ? If our thoughts are thoughts of love, kindness, peace, and joy, should the words that come out of our mouths not be words of love, kindness, peace, and joy? We give satan way too much control over what we think and what we say. The devil should have no control at all in our lives, especially our minds. If we dwell in spiritual things, such as the word and God, our thoughts will be those of the Lord. If your thoughts are spiritual, your talk will be spiritual. Right now this is a real struggle for me. I work with a man who has pushed all my buttons. I often catch myself saying stuff about him, instead of taking those thoughts captive and casting them down. Don't be caught running your mouth and saying what ever is on your mind. Before you say something, ask yourself this, "Is this something that Jesus would say?"

Scripture Reading 1 Cor. 2:16, Psalms 19:14, Proverbs 10:31

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