
Monday, February 12, 2007

Quick Study "The Hot Tempered Man"

Yesterday morning was tough. I didn't get much sleep because my daughter was up half the night. Then when my wife got home from work, she accidentally locked the keys in the van. It took us all morning but we eventually found the spare keys. This was a deliberate attack of satan. Sunday mornings always seem to be wild and stressful. Could it be that the devil is trying to keep us away from church? Well, I dealt with the whole ordeal the wrong way. Instead of coming before the Lord and seeking His direction, I snapped. I let my past, "The Hot Temper", get the best of me. Through this all, the Lord continued to tell me where I should look for the spare keys. Instead of listening to Him, I chose to do it my way and tick everyone off in the process. I was not operating in self-control. Finally I went and looked where I was being told to look and guess what? I found the keys. Speaking of keys, self-control is a key element of our walk with the Lord. I also realized how important love is in our walk with the Lord. In order to walk in love, we need to have control over anger. If you struggle with anger, submit to God and ask Him to help you walk in love. Jesus had a very successful ministry. He walked in love. He could of easily snapped on people. Trust me, the temptation was there. So how did Jesus deal with it? He displayed His self-control. Finally, to my wife, I'm sorry for the way I overreacted. That was the old me, not the new creation which I have become.

Scripture Reading Proverbs 15:18, Proverbs 25:28, 1 Corinthians 13:4-5

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