
Saturday, February 03, 2007

Quick Study "Spirit v.s Flesh. . .The Conflict"

I enjoyed writing the series on success this last week. I feel the need to begin another series. This is something I will do periodically rather than just a new topic everyday. Around this time last year, I put this series together for my men's bible study group. I titled the series "Spirit v.s Flesh." Enjoy!!!!

People don't realize that we are a spirit living in a fleshly body. If you are a Christian, your spirit wants to follow God but the flesh still wants to follow the world. It goes right back to when you became born again. Your spirit was renewed but your flesh was not. This is where we see the conflict between the spirit and the flesh. They set their desires against each other. Your spirit wants to go good, where as your flesh wants to do evil. This is why it is important for us to walk by the spirit. If we walk by the spirit, we won't carry out the desires of the flesh. We read in Romans 7:18 that nothing good dwells in the flesh. Now jump over a chapter and we read that a mind set on the flesh is hostile towards God. Those who live in the flesh can not please God. So, are you one of those people who are trying to live in the flesh and in the spirit? It does not work, I've tried!!!! While you are here you will remain living in your fleshly body. The only way to have any control over the desires of the flesh is by living in the spirit. You can not live both ways, balancing on the fence. Its one or the other. Its your choice; life? or Death?

Scripture Reading Galatians 5:16-18, Romans 7:18, Romans 8:5-8,

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