
Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Quick Study "Stop Your Anger!"

Anger. . .one of the devil's most powerful tools. I've taught on it before and I believe it is something that needs to be dealt with more than once. At some point in our lives, we have all struggled with anger. I've had anger issues all my life, so how do I control it now? With the word of God. I find when I'm in the word, I am very slow to anger. When I do start to feel agitated and angry, I know I have not spent enough time in the word. Anger, fret, and worry only lead to one thing; they only lead to harm. The wicked will be destroyed where as those who trust in the Lord will be blessed. For me, the harm which anger leads to is depression. When I get angry, I get very down on myself. This is why it is so important to keep our focus and God and His word. At times when anger begins to arise, we need to remind ourselves that we are to be imitators of God, and God is love. Our reactions shouldn't be fueled by anger, they should be fueled by love. I know this sounds hard, but it is discipline and it shows of our obedience to the Lord. It shows our desire to want to serve Him. So be slow to anger, and allow the Lord to bless you and give you peace.

Scripture Reading Psalms 37:7-11

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