
Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Quick Study "How Do We Receive God's Love?"

Sometimes in this life we get down on ourselves. We feel sorry for ourselves. We feel like no one loves us. This is a terrible and empty feeling. I am here to shed some light on the situation. We don't have to ever feel this way. Whether you are a believer or a non-believer, no one should ever have to feel sorry for themselves. Did Jesus ever feel sorry for himself? Even as He hung dying on the cross, did Jesus feel sorry for Himself? No, because He had the love of the Father in Him. How did He receive the Father's love? The answer is simple, God loves those who love Him. Jesus loved His Father and always turned to Him in a time of need. Those who seek Him early and diligently will find Him. That is how we receive God's love in our lives. Earlier I said that even a non-believer shouldn't have feelings of despair and loneliness in their lives. They have a choice, like the rest of us. They have the choice whether to follow the Father or follow the world. If they choose to follow the Father, remain faithful and obedient, and express their love to Him, He will love them back. Anyone can receive God's love. . anyone.

Scripture Reading Proverbs 8:17

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The Harder Family said...
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