
Monday, February 19, 2007

Quick Study "Who Do You Serve?"

This should be a simple answer, right? Who do you serve? Well there are two options. You serve the world or you serve the Lord. The problem is that there are too many Christians who are trying to serve both. Guess what? You can't do that. There is only one God; one voice to obey. So why do we get so caught up in the world and it's lust's? Why does it seem so much easier to submit to satan than to the Lord? Why do we seem to have it in our heads that we can serve both? Why do we not stand in faith, stand in boldness, stand in awesome wonder of the almighty God who sent His son to set us free? Praise God I feel like preaching now!!!!!!!!!!! It is time for us Christians, the children of God to begin serving our Father. It is time for us as Christians to stand in faith, to stand in confidence, to stand in obedience and show the rest of this world who our DADDY is!!!!! We serve the Mighty King; we serve an awesome God. A God who is not ashamed of us so we have NO reason to be ashamed of Him. WHO DO WE SERVE?????? WE SERVE GOD!!!!!!!!!!

Scripture Reading Joshua 24:24

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