
Friday, May 18, 2007

Quick Study "It Is Possible!!!!!"

Do you have a dream? A vision to do something big? I do, so you are not alone. God wants his children to have a vision, He wants us to have dreams. The devil on the other hand wants to destroy our dreams. I have a dream to do something in my life. I have put God in complete control of all the decisions I have to make to see this vision, this dream come to pass and be successful. But I have to warn you, satan will try anything to fill you with fear, worry, and doubt. He will try to blur your vision, so that it never looks possible. When satan tries this on me, I have to remember what Jesus says in Mark 10:27. He tells us that with God, all things are possible. I don't know and it is none of my business what kind of decisions you are need to make. All I know is that you and I need to always include God in every decision we make. I have been doing this with the dream I have and it is so amazing how the whole thing is falling into place. I know this idea is from God, and I know if I put Him first and move in faith and obedience, this dream will succeed; this dream will prosper. So don't let the devil snuff out your vision; don't let him trample your dreams. Set your eyes upon the Father, and always remember that all things are possible with God.

Scripture Reading Mark 10:27, Matthew 19:26, Genesis 18:14

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