
Saturday, May 19, 2007

Quick Study "Ephesians 5:1-2"

I know I've talked about this passage in the past but it is so important that I will do it again. We are to be imitators of God. We are to imitate God in all we do (except die the death He died for us). So if we are to be imitators of Him, should we be be sick? Should we be broke, busted, and defeated? Should we be depressed? Should we be struggling through life wondering how we are going to make it through the next day? The only way we can be imitators of Him is if we live like Him. God is perfect!!!! I'm not saying we have to be perfect, but we should at least try. God will honor us if we try. When Jesus died, He suffered for us. He suffered so we would not have to suffer. The only other suffering that Jesus went through when He was on earth was persecution. This is the only suffering we should be going through. God is perfect, and there is no reason for us to be imperfect.

Scripture Reading Ephesians 5:1-2