
Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Living Water

Yesterday morning I was skimming though the book of John when I came across Chapter 4 where Christ witnesses to the woman at the well. While reading this something caught my eye; living water. I thought this was so cool, especially when I thought about my past struggle with alcohol. I used to thirst for and crave the water of this world. For me the water of this world was alcohol. In verse 14 Jesus tells us that everyone who drinks of the water that He gives us will never thirst again. I realized that the well of poison I used to keep in my body is gone. I now have a new well in my body; a well of water springing up to eternal life. This whole chapter is a great chapter, but it was verses 13+14 that got me thinking. Everyone who wants to live the world's way will continue to hunger and thirst for more. If you do it God's way, your life will be full and you will be satisfied. I hope this study has an impact on your life. God is good, all the time!!!!

Scripture Reading John 4:1-26

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