
Saturday, September 29, 2007

Who Are Your Treasures?

A while back while reading in Matthew 19:16-26 when the Lord gave me some revelation on the whole topic of storing riches in heaven. So often I have heard that we need to suffer lack here on earth because our riches will be in heaven. Well, check this out. It says in verse 23 that it is hard for a rich man to enter heaven. What Jesus means by a rich man is a man who is hording his money for himself. The man who puts money before the Lord. The man who does not use his money to better the kingdom of God. The man who lives the worlds way, not God's way. Are you still with me? We are put here for one reason. We have been given the choice to answer the call of the ministry of Jesus Christ. It is God's will and desire for everyone who comes to know Him to minister to those who do not know Jesus. We are all chosen to minister to others and lead them to the Lord. Here is our reward for doing this:
A. Because of our faithfulness and obedience, we have answered the call. Since we have answered the call here on earth, we will enter through the gates of heaven. Heaven is the epitome of rich!!!!!!!! I mean the concrete that we will walk on is made of gold!!!!!
B. The other riches in heaven which we will see is those of the souls that we harvested for eternity here on earth. Praise God!!!!! When you walk through the gates of heaven; your earthly riches; those that you led to the Lord, will be standing there waiting for you. If you go before them, trust me, they will find you!!!!!!
God wants to prosper us. With that being said, God can only prosper you financially if you are walking in faithfulness and obedience. It says in verse 21 that we are supposed to sell our possessions and give to the poor. If we don't have money to give, how do we help the poor? The reason God will only prosper the faithful and obedient is because He trusts them; He knows that they will use their riches to better the Kingdom of Heaven. Glory to God I could go on for hours but I know you have things to do!!! If non believers see us broke, busted, and defeated Christians, do you really think they will want what we have? Or do you think they want the life of one who is blessed and can help others in need. We are to be like Jesus, and Jesus helped those in need.
Prosperity is not a get rich quick scheme. Prosperity is for the furthering of the kingdom.

Scripture Reading Matthew 19:16-26

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