
Sunday, April 29, 2007

Quick Study "Bring Back The Prayer"

When I was growing up I remember singing Oh Canada and then reciting the Lord's Prayer every morning at school. I never realized how important it was back then. I truly see the importance of prayer in the school now. You didn't hear of the school violence back then like you do now. But yet it seems like we don't really care if there is prayer in the schools or not. We say to ourselves, "That kind of violence would never happen here." Well, it doesn't take much. One person controlled by the devil can do a lot of damage (as we saw two weeks ago at Virginia Tech). Somewhere, someone decided to remove the Lord's Prayer from the schools. The Lord's Prayer, the most powerful prayer which we find in the Bible. The prayer which Jesus used to teach His disciples and to teach us how to pray. These people basically told the Lord that He did not need to be involved in the schools. This makes me angry!!!! Columbine, Taber, and now Virginia Tech have all suffered defeat at the hands of the devil. I believe when prayer came out of the school, the devil was invited in and given complete control. It is time for us as Christians to take back our public and private schools. We need to plead the blood of Jesus over our schools. We need to pray the Lord's Prayer with our schools in mind. I don't care where it is, but these attacks on schools need to stop. As Christians we need to rise up and stand firm against the devil and his plot to destroy the youth of this nation. Right now we need to unite as believers and pray for those who remain as students and supporters of Virginia Tech University. We need to do what we can do to get the Lord's Prayer back in the school. Just because you have never been there or have no idea what Virginia Tech is all about, you can still stand in faith and support the school in prayer. We need to stand in faith and pray for all the schools across North America. With that being said, "Devil, in the name of Jesus, get your hands off of our schools and our children!!!!"

Scripture Reading Matthew 6:5-15

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