
Monday, April 02, 2007

Quick Study "Create In Me A Pure Heart"

So many Christians and non Christians live with hard hearts. They carry sorrow, bitterness, hatred, and strife. This are just a few things that will harden the hearts of people. Their hearts are not pure. You could say there hearts are diseased, full of the sickness of this world. If we are to be imitators of Christ, should our hearts not be pure? Should our hearts no be softened? As humans we seem to have the ability to carry all of this garbage in our lives. We dwell on things until we explode. Imagine what we could do with a pure heart? With a heart that has been softened by our Heavenly Father. Just think of the good that could be accomplished in this world if we had pure hearts. This is what the Father wants to see in all of His children. He wants to see pure hearts. He wants to see the Holy Spirit being able to operate in your lives. If Jesus had walked around and moped all of His life like some Christians do, His ministry would have been a waste of time. He wants you to be joyful and excited. You can't be this way if your walking with an unclean heart; with a hardened heart. With that being said, imagine what one can accomplish with a pure heart and a renewed spirit!!!! It is up to us to continue the ministry. Get rid of the old heart and bring in the new. Let God create in you a new heart; let God renew a steadfast spirit in you.

Scripture Reading Psalm 51:10

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