
Monday, April 23, 2007

Quick Study "He's Got Nothing!!!"

Do you ever have those days where you feel like grabbing the devil by the throat and squeezing the life out of him? I mean days where the attacks and oppression becomes so intense that you just don't know what to do? I have days like those, so you're not the only one. The first thing we need to remember is that God is not doing this to us. God is good, He doesn't make you miserable!!! That would be up to the devil. I just had a thought; if you want to squeeze the life out of the devil, simply praise God for all He's done for you. Trust me, this annoys satan to great degrees!!!! I mean if he is going to try and stick around, we might as well annoy him. These attacks and this oppression are just a couple of weapons which satan has in his bag of tricks. It is so important for us as believers to stand our ground, to ask the Father to stand by us while satan does what he feels he has to do. When satan attacks and oppresses me, I simply confess these words , "No weapon that is formed against me shall prosper" It is a simple reminder to satan that the Lord Jesus is on my side; the creator of heaven and earth is on my side; the alpha and omega is on my side; the Lion of Judah is on my side; the King of Kings is on my side; the divine protector is on my side!!!!! As far as I'm concerened, the devil needs to step back when we cross paths, for I am surrounded by the love and glory of God.

Scripture Reading Isaiah 54:17

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