
Sunday, April 22, 2007

Quick Study "Praise The Lord"

Two hundred days ago the Lord prompted us to start posting "Quick Studies" on a blog for people of all walks of life to read. At that time I thought I wouldn't get through a week!!! Praise the Lord, we have hit two hundred days!!! We thank the Lord for the impact these studies are making. We have no idea how many people are visiting our site on a daily basis, but we do know that as people surf through blogs, eventually they will come across ours. For some of our readers this is daily inspiration, where as other's may find truth for the first time in these words. Either way, God has a plan for what is written and posted on a daily basis and we give Him all the praise for the opportunity to reach others. We are committed to continue to post daily studies, even though summer can get quite hectic and busy. As a Christian, we need to keep our focus on the Lord. We need to continue to trust in Him and let Him lead the way. Let us shout for joy and rejoice; let us magnify His mighty name!!!!

Scripture Reading Psalm 35:27-28

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