
Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Quick Study "Joy"

Whatever you do, may it be done with a joyful heart and a joyful attitude. Joy at work, joy at rest, joy at play, joy in the morning, joy in the afternoon, joy in the evening, joy coming in and joy going out. . .joy!!!!! As Christians we are too live in a constant state of joy. The devil has convinced too many Christians that they should be broke, busted, and beat. He has convinced them that they are depressed, that nobody cares for them. God cares, and He is full of joy. Guess what doesn't bring God joy? When His children are broke, sick, full of disease, depressed, sad, lonely, etc. These are all attacks of the enemy, and satan is trying his hardest to suck the joy out of you and your families. God doesn't want His children to be lying around whining and complaining about how life treats them; whining about the card they've been dealt. He wants His children to be full of joy, praising Him for all that He has done in their lives. God is in the business of giving and taking. He wants to give blessings to His children and He wants to take away the poverty, sickness, disease, depression, sadness, loneliness, and all the other junk that satan attacks you with. That is what God will take, and He will leave you with joy!!!!!! So when something goes wrong in your life, don't point the finger at God for dealing you a bad card. Lift your hands to praise Him. Praise Him for carrying you through these attacks of the enemy.

Scripture Reading Psalms 64:10, Phil. 4:4, Psalm 92:4

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