
Thursday, June 07, 2007

Quick Study "The Death Of Sin"

Did you know that once you become a Christian, sin is dead? We are no longer sinners. We were sinners, but now we are now the righteousness of God. Isn't that exciting!!!! We are no longer slaves to sin. Our old self was crucified with Him, that our body of sin might be done away with. We are no longer slaves to sin!!!! Too many believers think that they are still sinners. Sinners are people who have their mind set on sinning; people who follow the world's way and not the way of the Lord. What makes us the righteousness of God is because we have focused our thoughts, minds, and lives on serving the Lord. We have committed to serving the Heavenly Father. Yeah, were not perfect and we may slip up here and there, but the Lord has given us the opportunity to ask forgiveness. If you are a believer you need to understand that you are righteous and sin is DEAD!!!! Remember this, God's children are precious to Him. God's children are not sinners and the devil shall NOT have dominion over you!!!!!

Scripture Reading Romans 6:1-14

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