
Monday, May 21, 2007

Our Thoughts And Prayers. . .

Today we are doing something a little different. My focus lately has been on our Armed Forces and what they do for this country. Men and women of many different backgrounds fighting for the same cause. I have always been intrigued with flying and have spent a lot of time in working towards my pilot's license. Next weekend I was going to take my daughter to her first air show. Unfortunately the show may be cancelled due to a tragedy which happened on Friday. Snowbird pilot Shawn McCaughey was killed when his plane crashed in the vicinity of Mamstrom AFB in Montana. We so often forget that these pilots have served or will serve to protect this country. We all need to take the time to thank the Lord for the blessing of freedom which we have in this country. Take the time today to pray for the family of Shawn McCaughey, and all of the other brave men and women who serve to protect this country. We don't give these men and women the credit they deserve.

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