
Monday, May 07, 2007

Quick Study "Don't Worry. . .Be Happy"

I remember this song from the movie "Cocktail". Such a simple song which to me speaks a lot of truth. As Christians we have no reason to live in fear; we have no reason to worry and be unhappy. It's like the song says, "Don't Worry, Be Happy." As Christians we are not supposed to worry and the Lord wants us to be cheerful and happy. Personally I couldn't stand that song, but it did speak some truth!!!! The Lord has made us strong, courageous, and firm. We do not have to be in fear and terror about anything in this world. If we ask Him too, the Father will go with us wherever and whenever we go. He will not forsake us or fail us. The devil wants us to worry, and be unhappy. Don't let him do this to you; don't give into his deceitful ways. With God on our side, we don't have to worry, and we are to be happy!!!!

Scripture Reading Deut. 31:6

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is so true. As soon as we fear, it means we aren't trusting the Lord, and we begin to panic and get overwhelmed. How sweet to leave it all at Jesus' feet, and rest in Him. You do a good job on this blog Joel. I don't always get to read it, but when I do, I always feel encouraged. Thank you love mom