
Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Quick Study "We Have Work To Do"

Recently I've been really thinking about where our ministry is to be going. We continue to be taught and discipled, but we are feeling a calling from the Lord. I guess it's like Jesus and His disciples. While He was teaching them, they were going out and spreading the gospel and performing miracles. This is where I feel we are at. Too many Christians are sitting around and waiting for God to lead them in a certain direction. I believe we need to take the bull by the horns and go and help those in need. By helping I mean not trying to save them right away, but doing things for them so that they see Jesus working through me. The Lord has made it clear to me that we need to be focusing on reaching out, and not waiting for people to reach us. We are to be like Jesus, the Man who walked with the wicked and the poor. The same Man who sought out liars and whores, not to be drawn into their lifestyle, but to give them the opportunity to be drawn into His lifestyle. I truly believe that their is not only need on the streets, but in the church as well. It is easy for us to point fingers at people, but yet what are we doing to help them? If God calls you to go somewhere to preach the gospel, do His will and go. If you are not called, serve Him by doing His will in your own community. The need is here too!!!! I for one am not going to wait for people to come to me, I want to go where the people are, like my Father did.

Scripture Reading Matthew 10

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