
Thursday, May 03, 2007

Quick Study "My Body, The Temple"

For years I abused my body, putting nothing but poisons into it. Our bodies are His temple. I claimed to be a Christian but at the same time was destroying my body. Since I came back to the Lord, I have focused on keeping the poisons out. My biggest struggle right now is the snacking; the junk food!!!! I'm trying to kick these silly habits, especially now since a friend of mine has got me into jogging and working out at the local gym. These are things I thought I would never do!!!! I realize the importance of taking care of my body. The Holy Spirit dwells in me, and I don't want to poison the Holy Spirit. Our bodies are His temple, take care of them so the Father can take care of you.

Scripture Reading 1 Cor. 6:19-20

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