
Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Quick Study "Authority Of The Believer"

Christ is seated in heavenly places, well guess what? So are we. We are seated in Him. All principalities, powers, and all other things are under His feet. Since we are seated with Him in heavenly places, all principalities, powers, and all other things are under our feet as well. Too many Christians think that we should be sitting back and letting the chosen ones do what they are to do. Guess what? We are all the chosen ones. God has given all believers the authority to trample serpents and scorpions, power over the enemy, the power to drive out demons, speak in new languages, laying hands on the sick, and so much more. As believers, we have authority in this world. By using the authority we have, others will come to know the Lord. I believe if you don't exercise your authority, you will not be an effective Christian. The devil doesn't work alone. Do you realize how many demons are floating around in this world? I've dealt personally with the demon of addiction in more ways than one. I've been released from these demons and have had the opportunity to lay hands on others and command that the demon of addiction be gone. I truly believe that behind every bad situation is a demon. Poverty, sickness, disease, addiction; it doesn't matter, demons are involved. Don't let the devil try to and convince you that you have no authority. Exercise your authority; don't let satan get the upper hand. I'm out to see people released from these bondage's, I guess you could say I'm a "Demon Hunter"!

Scripture Reading Ephesians 1:20-22, Luke 10:19, Mark 16:17-18

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