
Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Quick Study "Who's Voice Do You Follow"

If you are a believer, and living the life of faithfulness and obedience, you will hear from God. When you hear from God you will act on what He said. There's another voice out there that is trying to get you to follow. The voice of the enemy; the voice of satan. So how do you decide who's voice you are hearing? Here's an example for you. If you hear a voice telling you to give your money to the poor, that voice is from the Father. The devil wants you to be selfish and keep everything to yourself. The last thing he wants you to do is give money to the poor or the church!!!!! If you are not sure who's talking to you, go to the word and ask the Father about it. When you know that its from the Father, you will need to exercise your faith and do what He says. It just seems that too many Christians are able to follow the voice of the enemy but yet try to ignore the voice of the Father. I've been there, I've done that. Trust me, if you are living a life of faithfulness and obedience, you will know and understand what to do when God speaks to you. This is why it is so important for us to live the life the Father wants us to live, so we can know the difference between God's voice and the voice of the enemy.

Scripture Reading John 10:5, Romans 10:17

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