
Saturday, June 09, 2007

Quick Study "Give Your Troubles To The Lord"

Sometimes in this life you run into troubles. Troubles such as financial or health issues. What we as Christians need to remember is where these troubles come from. First of all, stop blaming God for the troubles in your life. Troubles are attacks, and attacks are from the devil. So you may wonder, "I'm a Christian and God promises to bless me, so how can I have troubles in my life?" Take a look at your life. The number one thing I tell people to look for is an area in their life where they are carrying unconfessed sin. When you leave sin unconfessed, you give satan a stronghold in your life. As long as the devil has an opening, He will get you. The devil does not care about you; he just wants your soul. Fortunately, so does the Father. Do not give the devil entrance into your life. Give your troubles over to the Lord and let Him lead you out of the desert into your promised land.

Scripture Reading Psalm 142

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