
Tuesday, July 31, 2007

How We Conduct Ourselves. . .

How we conduct ourselves around believers and non-believers should always be the same. We need to be imitators of Christ wherever we go and in whatever we do. How we conduct ourselves around others will determine if people want what we have. Whether believers or non-believers, the sick or the healthy, the broke or the rich, Jesus showed love. As Christians we are to love one another, as our Heavenly Father loves us. Wow!!!! This seems like a pretty huge task, but it isn't. God created us all to love. . .all we need to do is love. Our conduct should represent love at all times. We are soldiers fighting the battle and in my eyes our greatest weapon is love. So whether you are with Christians or non-Christians, conduct yourself in a loving way. Trust me, the blessings you will receive will be more than you could ever imagine!!!

Scripture Reading 1 Thess. 4:1-12

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