
Sunday, July 15, 2007

Lazarus, Come Forth

For the last week I've been struggling spiritually. We all seem to go through these times, no matter where you are in your walk as a Christian. Well, last night I had enough. I asked the Father forgiveness for all the doubts and worries I was carrying and asked Him for some revelation!!!!! Guess what? I asked and I received, praise God. I was lying in bed and the Lord said, "Read about Lazarus". While reading about Lazarus in John 11, I realized that I was not dying spiritually, but I had let myself fall asleep spiritually. I was giving satan the opportunity to bind me. I needed to be awakened from my sleep . . . "Joel, come forth" is what I heard the Father say. As I came forth, I could feel my spirit come back to life.

"Unbind him, and let him go!"

All which satan began to bind me with is now gone. I have been loosed from the clutches of the enemy. If you are struggling in your spiritual life, don't ignore the voice of the Father. Do what He asks, even when you think it won't help. Trust me, it will help!!!!

Scripture Reading John 11:1-44

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