
Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Our Hearts Go Out. . .

Our hearts go out to my sister Jamie and her husband Erik, who lost a brother on Friday. During times like this, we need to remind ourselves that God is a good God. We need to remember that God always makes something good come out of a horrible situation. A verse I have been focusing on since this tragedy is John 10:10, where it says,

"The thief comes to kill, steal, and destroy; I have come so that you can have life in abundance, to the full, until it overflows."

Remember the Toews family in your prayers as they deal with the loss of a son, brother, and husband.

1 comment:

The Rowley Family said...

hey guys,

we knew nate and doug out in abbotsford. our hearts go out to you guys and your sister. may they know the grace and love of God as they walk through this bittersweet time.