
Thursday, August 23, 2007

12 Rounds And Not Yet Down. . .

Last week I shared with you about the attacks satan has let loose on my family. The devil has come after our finances, and now he is after my health. The devil has launched a new attack on my lower back. I feel right now that we've gone 12 rounds with the enemy, but guess what? He hasn't knocked us down yet; we are still swinging!!! The devil forgot one thing, I got God in my corner. With God on my side, I am guaranteed to win!!! Whatever satan takes from me, he will have to repay. Take what you want, cause I am getting more than I can ever imagine. Are you in the ring with the enemy? If so, remember this. It is the thief who comes to kill, steal, and destroy. You have God in your corner, and He brings abundance!!!!

Scripture Reading John 10:10

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