
Monday, August 20, 2007

Healing Is Here. . .

Guess what? Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Jesus healed yesterday, He heals today, and He will heal forever. Yesterday in church our guest speaker spoke on the topic of healing. It was so awesome to hear someone so passionate about this topic. God is still in the healing business. With that being said, God is not double minded. He does not make you sick only to heal you. God repairs the damage that we allow the devil to inflict on us. God is not the one to blame for sickness and disease; satan is to blame. So why are we not seeing healing in the church? If the people don't accept it, they won't get it. I have been healed in many areas of my life, yet I still went forward yesterday for God's touch on my bad back. Guess what? I accepted His healing touch and the pain is almost gone. Healing is not for everyone. . .it's only for those who believe!!!! The sick are not a blessing of God; the blessing comes when God heals the sick. The devil is getting off the hook for all the garbage that happens to people. As Christians we need to remember that we have the authority to cast down the devil and his demons. We have the authority to call upon the Lord and ask Him for His healing touch in our lives. James 4:2 tells us that we do not have because we do not ask. Verse 3 goes on to say that we do not receive because we ask with the wrong motives. God wants us to lay everything down in front of Him. He wants us to completely surrender to Him. When we do this, He can work. When we do this, He can heal and restore the weak. When we are old and grey, and have fulfilled our ministry here on earth, Jesus will receive us with open arms. He will let us know of a job well done. He needs His children here to spread the word; He needs His children here to do the work. He wants you to prosper in all areas (3 John 2). He wants you to carry on the ministry of Jesus Christ. He bore our sickness' and our diseases. He did it for us, so we wouldn't have to.

Scripture Reading Isaiah 53:4-5, 3 John 2, Psalm 91:14-16

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