
Friday, August 17, 2007

We Must Push On. . .

Today's study will be a little different. First of all I would like to thank our partners for your constant prayers for us as a family and for Way Of The Lord Ministries. We understand how important the believer's prayers are, which is why we ask that you continue to pray for this ministry. Right now satan has decided to attack us hard. He is after our faith and our finances. With a baby coming next month and the girls going back too school, we are finding that satan is hard a work trying to take what is not his. We've learned something very important, satan has nothing on our Heavenly Father. We know who our provider is and we know that He will only make life better. We must push on through the attacks of the enemy. We ask that you remember us in your prayers, as we take another step forward. We will continue to pray for you, as our partners in Christ Jesus. We love you and we thank you.

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