
Saturday, August 18, 2007

The Fool. . .

"A fool does not delight in understanding. But only in reveling in his own mind." Have you ever met people like this? People who just don't listen; people who separate themselves and seek their own desires. Unfortunately this describes two types of people, non believers and believers. Their are a lot of non believers who refuse to hear what you have to say. And yes, their are believers who are so set in their ways, they will not take the time to listen to anyone but themselves. Have you ever met a Christian like this? Usually with a non believer they want to hear what you have to say or they don't want to hear anything at all. This is what makes it frustrating when your talking to other Christians and they continue to quarrel against sound wisdom. The bible calls these people fools. They are fooling themselves and others around them. The only one they are not fooling is the Almighty God!!! So what should we do as Christians who want to help these people? Turn to God, and seek His direction on the situation. He may tell you to keep talking with this person, or He may tell you just to back off and let your actions do the talking. When talking to these people, ask the Lord to give you the words to share with them. Don't be like these people, leaning on your own understanding. Let the Father direct you as you share. Let the Father be the fore front of the conversation.
Proverbs 18:1-2

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