
Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The Winds Of Change. . .

Yes the winds of change are blowin' around here!!!! We are waiting for the arrival of our son; we are waiting for Laura's maternity leave to take effect; and I am starting a new job with the same company my wife works for. Oh yeah, and the girls getting back into the routine of school. Right now we simply need prayer. Pray for us as we enter this time of transition in our lives. Pray that our girls will adapt to having a baby in the house. Pray that we will adapt to having a new baby in the house!!!!! Anyways, God WILL supply for our needs. This has been promised in His word. Thank you for your prayers


Jamie said...

Hi Joel - I've been thinking of you guys lots today as you wait for little JD to show up. I can't wait to hear the news! I also heard about the new job for you so I'll be praying for a good transition for all the things happening in your lives.

The Rowley Family said...

just wanted to let you know a little family down the street is praying for all of you and all that you are going through! wishing you peace in the midst of it all!