
Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Abilities Of Demons. . .They Recognize Christ

The first ability which demons possess is the fact that they recognize Christ and they recognize the name of Jesus. Even though they have the ability to recognize Christ, demons will still attack. When Jesus gave authority to His disciples to go out and cast out demons, we received that authority as well. Like the disciples we need to understand what it is that makes demons run. The only way the disciples could cast out demons was in the name of Jesus. It doesn't matter who you are, the only way you are going to cast demons out is by using the name of Jesus. They recognize Christ and they know that even they are subject to His name. What I find really exciting about all of this is that demons can't touch us unless we allow them to. We are covered by the blood of Jesus and have the authority to kick these little devils back to hell. Don't allow demons any authority in your life. They are just there to steal from you, kill you, and destroy you. Trust me, you don't want any part of this. Take joy in knowing that you walk with Jesus and demons must flee when you command them to go. God has given us the authority to cast these devils down. In order to win souls, we need to get rid of the demons!!!

Scripture Reading Mark 1:23-26

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