
Monday, November 12, 2007

Demon Hunters. . .

I think it is safe to say that most Christians would like to avoid the topic of demons and demon possession. I for one think we need to pay attention to this topic. The god of this world (2 Cor. 4:4) has blinded many people; and he has used his demons in this process. This may be a bold statement, but we as Christians need to to engage in battle against the demons and evil forces of this world. It wasn't only the disciples who were given the authority to cast out demons, it was us as well (Mark 9:46-50). Demon possession is recognized as not being insanity (Matthew 4:24) nor is it a disease (Mark 1:32). We need to be demon hunters. We need to exercise our authority in the name of Jesus and cast these devils back to hell. Now I'm not saying we need to go out of our way to hunt demons; no I can pretty much guarantee that we will find them wherever we turn. Not in our lives, but in the lives of others. See satan is not like God. God is everywhere whereas satan needs helpers to kill, steal, and destroy. These helpers being his demons, his evil spirits. Over the next week I would like to go into the word and look at different circumstances where Jesus or His disciples cast out demons. I would like to look at each situation of demon possession and find the similarities and the differences in each case. I think we need to do this in order to recognize how demons work. I pray that we will also see the effects that demons have on a person. God is good and all that is good comes from God. Sickness, disease, sin, destruction, death, etc. are from the enemy (all that is bad). I believe demonic possession is involved in all that is bad; in all that is from the devil. So bare with me as I share the revelation God has given me on this topic. We need to know what to look for and we need to know how to cast these devils down.

Scripture Reading - I challenge you to read all of the above scriptures. Also, we live under the blessing which means we have been delivered from the curse. I challenge you this week to read Deut. 28 and take a close look at what all falls under the curse.

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