
Thursday, November 15, 2007

I Will Not Be Knocked Down, Nor Will I Be Defeated. . .

Today was a hard day. As you may recall I was given revelation by the Holy Spirit to study on the topic of demons. I have been faithfully doing this over the last week and will continue in this study. Over the last couple of days someone read what I wrote (especially the part where I talked about the guys I worked with), and had issues with my opinions and beliefs. I have never tried to force my beliefs on anyone. As it turns out my blog entries were read by certain people and my position at work was terminated. At no time did I ever force anything on anyone. I've always been taught that we have our own opinions and beliefs. . . at least that's what I thought. I've followed the Lord's direction on all that I have written and would not take any of it back. At first I was somewhat hesitant about doing this study on my blog. The Lord made it clear to me that I had to write about this topic to shed some light on it for others. So where does Way Of The Lord Ministries stand right now? We will not be knocked down, nor will we be defeated. Trust me, the Lord has better things out there for us. As for now, I will be removing all pictures and personal information from this blog.


Find First Aid Inc. said...

Hi Joel,

I just wanted to encourage you this morning. I rarely comment but felt that I should assure you that we are praying for you and your family in this difficult time. God calls us to be a light to the world and as long as you continue to do so, you will be blessed. I pray for wisdom as you continue to blog.


Anonymous said...

The women in our church are doing a Beth Moore series, and she spoke on persecution, how it is beginning to affect us more and more. This is persecution. Before I read your blog this morning, I was reading 1 Peter. I would encourage yo to read it. We know that the enemy always sends fear to render his victims powerless. Praise God that He is in control. This is HIS battle. He will fight it for you. We are so proud of you Joel, for standing up for HIM at your meeting. "Watch then and see, this great thing the LORD GOD is about to do before your very eyes." If God is for us, who can be against us. Love mom