
Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The Man In The Synagogue. . .

Our scripture today is found in Mark 1:21-28. As Jesus teaches in the synagogue, a man with an "unclean spirit" begins to question Jesus. What I found interesting about this whole situation was that the evil spirit was talking to Jesus through the man. The demonic presence which was in this man had complete control of him. What makes this interesting to me is that there are many people today who question the Lord. I guess what I am saying is that the whole unsaved world continues to question and mock our Heavenly Father. There is obviously demon possession throughout this whole world. Now when I talk possession, I'm not talking about what "Hollywood" has made it out to be. Here's something for you to ponder. . .if you don't have the Holy Spirit working in your life, is it not safe to say that you have some form of evil spirit working in your life? The whole fleshly world is ran by evil spirits, which are also known as demons. Now, what does Jesus say in verse 25? "Be quiet, and come out of him!!!" We as Christians are involved in casting out demons every time we lead someone to the Lord. I believe one of the reasons you don't feel instant joy when you become saved is because it takes time for the new to get rid of the old. What I'm saying is that as the Holy Spirit begins to clean out the evil spirits in your life, there is going to be a war. The evil spirits will not leave without a fight. Look at verse 26 where it says, "And throwing him into convulsions, the unclean spirit cried out with a loud voice, and came out of him." I'm sure the evil spirit could have just left quietly. It didn't; it chose to fight on it's way out causing the convulsions. So here's the good news!!! We have been given the authority in the name of Jesus to tell these demons to "Be quiet and come out of them!!!" We are continuing on the ministry of Jesus Christ and we to have the authority that was given to the 12 Apostles in Matthew 10:8. We are in the Lord's Army. . .and we shall leave no man behind.

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