
Friday, November 30, 2007

Positioning Us. . .To Serve His Kingdom

Today we are going away from the study we've been on for the last couple of weeks. The reason behind this change (for today) is because we as a family and a ministry want to ask our partners to stand in faith with us. As you know we are in limbo with employment. We have also come to the understanding over that last couple of days that the Lord is positioning our family and our ministry. Last night at worship team practice, they prayed that my wife and I would wake up to see what the Lord has planned for us. The Lord has blessed our family with gifts which we know He wants us to use. We have a passion to serve Him, and only Him. We are passionate about moving out of the worlds ways and into His ways. We lay it all before Him, and ask for His guidance. This is where you come in. Please take time today to stand in faith with us that God will reveal His plan for our family and our ministry. Pray that we will be able to utilize our gifts in leading the lost to Christ. We are not passionate about the things of the world. Our passion lies within Christ and Christ alone. This is the day the Lord has made and we WILL REJOICE IN IT!!!!!

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