
Thursday, December 06, 2007

Keep Our Eyes Upon The Lord. . .

Here's a question for you. . .Why is it so easy for us to conform to the world yet so hard to conform to the ways of the Lord? Why is it when we are about to sin we push away that little voice inside of us which is telling us to stop? Why does God not get frustrated with us and just pull the plug? Your answer. . .God is love and we can have the love of God in us!!!! If we develop the love of God which is within us, we will be begin to move away from the world and begin to conform to Him. God is a God of EXTREME patience. God is the God of the second chance, and third chance, forth chance, and on and on. This doesn't mean we can practice sin just because we know He will forgive us. We need to practice righteousness and the sin will begin to disappear in our lives. We will still slip up here and there. This doesn't mean we are sinners (since we are not devoting our lives to practicing sin.) We are still the righteousness of Christ. So what keeps us the righteousness of Christ? The awesome promise of forgiveness which He has given us in 1 John 1:9. We need to all remember the importance of this verse. I need to be reminded of God's forgiveness as well, which is why I chose to write on this topic today. God is the God of the second chance!!!!
Scripture Reading 1 John 1:9

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