
Friday, December 07, 2007

We Are Blessed. . .

Yesterday was one of those days when I was just down and out. Frustrated with not moving forward in different areas like opportunities for work and our finances. Unfortunately what I was doing was taking my focus off God and putting it on the world. Then I remembered something very important. . .God will take care of all of our needs. We live under the blessing which means we are blessed. When life sucks and gets us down, we need to remember that the Lord is positioning us for a better life. When it seems like there is no light at the end of the tunnel, we need to stand in faith knowing that the Lord will provide for all of our needs. We need to stop blaming God for what we don't have and begin praising Him for all that we do have. God is not a taker; He's a giver. We are blessed when we go out and when we come in. We are the head and not the tail. We are blessed from the souls of our feet to the crown of head. If you live the life of faithfulness and obedience, you live the blessed life. For example, we have been praying for my daughter's deliverance from her allergies. Her medication is $100/month. With my wife being on maternity leave her benefits are no use to us. Our family doctor blessed us with seven and a half months worth of what she needs. That's $750 worth of medication sitting in our cabinet. We know her healing is coming, but until then we praise the Lord for blessing us with this miracle. God is great!!!!

Scripture Reading Philippians 4:10-19

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