
Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Two Years Later. . .

I realized today that it was two years ago on December 2 that I decided to let the Lord begin helping me. I gave up alcohol and turned to Him, which allowed Him to work in me. For two years I have become a stronger husband, father, and most importantly a stronger man of faith. Over time I began to realize there is a real misconception of God. It was never God's plan for my life to be filled with so many issues such as alcoholism. It was never God's plan for my marriage to fall to pieces. It was never God's plan that we lose a member of our family. It was never God's plan for us to be broke, busted and beat. But it has always been God's plan to love us. It has always been God's plan to bless us. It has always been God's plan to give us the abundant life. Sometimes we wonder why He moves us out of one situation into another. What we can take comfort in is that He will never move you out of something good into something bad. When God continues to position you, He continues to move you into better situations. I used to think to myself, "Why has God made me this way? Why has He made me a drunk?" He never made me that way. I was made in His image. The only problem was I chose to live in the world and not in the spirit (I guess you could say I was living in the spirits!!!) God sees our lives moving in two directions. He sees our life if we were to walk in the spirit, and He sees our life if we were to walk in the flesh. We have been given the choice to choose which way we are going to go. God can only bless those who follow Him. He has a will for all of our lives, but He has left it up to us to find out what the will for our lives may be. Once you step into His will for your life, He will begin to bless you and honor all of the promises that He has made for His children. My wife and I have finally come across God's will for our family. It is something we thought we would never do. I also believe its something that has crossed our minds and we've just ran from the very thought of such!!!! As for me, October 2006 was when the Lord challenged me to begin this blog under the name of "Way Of The Lord Ministries". We knew that this was just the beginning of something big. God continues to provide and position us where He wants us. God is the God of TOO MUCH!!!
". . .I am the light of the world; he who follows Me shall not walk in the darkness, but shall have the light of life."
John 8:12

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I thank the Lord for the freedom you have found Joel. You're right that God never willed those things for your life -- he's always had a better plan.

We'll be praying for you guys as you consider what your next steps are...