
Saturday, June 02, 2007

Quick Study "Anxiety"

Are you the type of person who worries? Do you have anxiety about things? We as Christians should never be anxious about anything. Before I came back to the Lord, I worried about everything. It didn't matter what the circumstance was, I worried and was anxious about it. So how do you get past this problem? Seek Him first in all that you do. Since I have begun to seek Him first, I have a real sense of peace about the different types of situations that I am faced with. I used to be so anxious and worried about money. The Lord wants us to live comfortably. What He does not want us to do is to put the spirit of mammon before Him. He wants us to be successful at our jobs, but He does not want us to put our work before Him. There is a fine line that we as Christians need to follow. So don't be anxious about anything. Give all your worries and cares over to the Father (1 Peter 5:7). Let Him give you a sense of peace in your life.

Scripture Reading Matthew 6:19-34

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