
Friday, June 01, 2007

Thank You For Your Prayers

God is truly good, all the time!!!! A couple of weeks ago I talked about how my wife and I were feeling called by the Lord to do something great. We are currently in a pretty good situation, with that being said, the Lord knows we can handle the challenge set forth before us. Over the last two years we have been meeting with a couple who helped open our eyes to the truth of God's word. They have helped prepare us so that we could confidently answer this call on our lives. We are not leaving this town; but we are preparing to be part of something great. It's funny how things work out, but we are being positioned somewhere we thought we would never return. We have been positioned in a church in this town, and yes, we are very excited. When you commit your whole life to the Father, He will position you to prosper in whatever you do. I believe before we can change the people outside of the church, we need to begin changing the lives of those in the church. There are way too many Christians who are hurting. There is no need for them to live this way. Pray for this ministry as we begin to reach the lost sheep in the house of the Lord. Thank you!!!!

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