
Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Quick Study "Growth"

Everything that grows needs something to help it mature. For example, if you have plants you know that they start off as a seed. Once the seed is sown, you need to water it in order for it to grow. We as Christians are the same way. Once the seed of righteousness has been planted in us, we need nuture that seed. We need to give that seed what it needs to grow so that we can bear much fruit. For us, studying the word of God is the only way to make sure that this seed will grow. Not only do we need to give the seed nourishment, we need to keep the area clear of weeds. If there are weeds around the seed, growth won't be as successful as it would be in good soil. My challenge for you is to keep supplying the seed with proper nourishment, and keep the weeds out!!!!!

Scripture Reading John 15:8, Phil. 1:11, Job 17:9

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Word, the Word, the Word that's what I always say.We will always find the answer for all our problems when we seek Him first.Another thing is to keep focused on Him, stay in prayer and in everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. Keep it up Joel,Love Auntie Hilda