
Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Quick Study "Hindrances Of Success . . .Unbelief"

Over the last couple of months I have talked about how we as Christians find success. When it comes down to it, faithfulness and obedience are the keys to success. I wrote and delivered a message which I titled "The Secret Of Success." In doing this I found four hindrances of success which I will share with you over the next four days.
For forty years the Israelites wandered through the wilderness whining, complaining, sinning, and rebelling against God. During this time they should have been enjoying life in the promised land. These people eventually ended up dying in the wilderness because of their disobedience towards the Father. They did not believe that God had great blessing for them in the promised land. When it came down to it, the Israelites didn't trust God. Their unbelief kept them out of the promised land. If they had trusted God and obeyed Him, they would have entered the promised land and had great success and felt great joy. Yet they heard His voice but continued to rebel against Him. This is where faithfulness and obedience becomes very important to our success. First of all, when God speaks we need to listen. Second, if God asks us to do something, we need to do it. Last but not least, we need to trust in Him and believe that His will is done. It will be very hard for us as Christians to succeed if we ignore what God has to say. God will not be able to take you to the next level unless you put your full trust in Him and believe that success comes from Him. God wants you to succeed in life, but in return He wants us to be faithful and obedient. We will never succeed if we have unbelief in our lives. God wants to see His children succeed at all they do, just like we want to see our children succeed. So don't let doubt or unbelief get in the way of your success. Let God take you into your promised land.
Scripture Reading Hebrews 3:15-19

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