
Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Quick Study "Hindrances Of Success. . .Enemies"

Jesus tells us as believers that we should be imitators of Him (Ephesians 5:1). Well, Jesus walked in love. He didn't have any enemies, except for one, who we all know as satan. If we are to be imitators of Him, we too should be walking in love and keeping no enemies, except for the enemy himself, satan. The Lord will reward us and our success will be great if we focus on loving and giving to others and expecting nothing in return. The devil wants us to keep everything for ourselves; to live in selfishness. The devil does not want to see you succeed. He would like to see you succeed at destroying your life and the lives of those who are close to you. Of course the biggest thing that the devil does not want, is to see you succeed at your spiritual life. He will try anything and everything to stop your spiritual growth. The devil does not want you to walk in love. Jesus says that if we love our enemies, lend, and do good, our reward will be great. So I guess it's up to us as individuals. Do we want success through God or do we want to find success through the world? I recommend God; He is the secret of success.

Scripture Reading Luke 6:35

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