
Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Quick Study "Put God First This Year"

I realized last night as we entered a New Year how important it is for me to put God first. Not only in my ministry, but in my own life as well. Every year you hear of people and their New Year's resolutions. Well this year I have one. Mine is to put God first in every area of my life, including all the decisions I make. From the simplest of decisions to the hardest decisions, God will be the first to know. If I do this, the devil will never have a foothold in my decision making process. We need to quit making decisions the way the world would. We need to be making decisions the way the Lord wants us to. Tell that stupid devil to get out of all areas of your life and focus your life and decision making upon the Lord; for the way of the Lord is a stronghold to the upright (Proverbs 10:29). Amen.

Scripture Reading Matthew 6:32-34

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Joel. When thinking of New Year resolutions, I tend not to make them, because they are usually made in the flesh, and I can't keep them anyway, but to resolve to grow in Christ, and put him first in every area,is a resolution in the Spirit, and God is faithful, and He will honor that. Happy New Year to you guys. We love you, and continue to marvel at what God has done in your lives. love moma nd dad