
Thursday, February 15, 2007

Quick Study "1 Peter 5:7"

1 Peter 5:7 . . . what a wonderful promise the Lord has given us. We can cast our cares and worries upon Him. Even during the deepest times of despair, when you feel that the walls are closing in, you can hand all of your burdens over to Christ.
Yesterday was a hard day for me. I have shared with you the struggles that I have had with a certain person a work. He belittled me yesterday to the point of emotional breakdown. I felt like I was a two year old who just did something wrong. I mean we as parents wouldn't even treat a two year old this way. Over the last few days I've kept my eyes and mind focused on the Lord. I did well yesterday and held myself together until I got home for lunch. I stayed home; I did not go back. I emailed a friend of mine and he reminded me that God did not put this on me. He also reminded me that God could not take it from me; I have to give it to Him. Well I have done what I needed to do. I have handed this situation over to the Father. The old me would have got mad at this person and then came home and got drunk. I may not have handled the situation right, but when I left work I was reminded that we have a friend who sticks closer than a brother. I put on the full armor of God and stand firm against the devil and his evil ways. We need to remember one thing, the garbage in life does not come from God; only good stuff comes from God.

Scripture Reading 1 Peter 5:7

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Joel= Hi there- I was a friend of Erin's growing up- not sure if you remember me or not, but I have been checking your blog every so often and am so encouraged by your words and what the Lord is doing in your life! Thanks for being transparent and real. May the Lord's favor continue to shine on you, Laura, and your beautiful girls.