
Friday, February 09, 2007

Quick Study "Are You Conformed To This World?"

I have touched on the subject of renewing our minds a few times in other studies. I believe as Christians that this is something that needs to be done on a daily basis. Especially before we leave our homes in the morning and step into the world. We have a choice everyday, live God's way or the world's way. We can't have both. I used to think that I could live in the world and in the spirit at the same time. For example, one minute I would be drinking and next minute I would be trying to seek revelation through the word of God. I was putting the world first before God. Now I realize that you can only live one way; in the spirit or in the world. When I first realized this, everything that I struggled with had to go. The drinking, smoking, swearing, lying, anger, fear, worry, etc. These things of the world had to be cast down. My mind had to be renewed and I had to step out of disobedience and into love. Every hour of every day, satan is going to try to take you down. We need to continue to renew our mind to God's word and His will and stand firm against the forces of darkness. When we are struggling with issues, whether they are world related or word related, we need not to turn to others, but to the Holy Spirit first. This is not going to be easy, but as you develop your knowledge, it will become easier. So don't let yourself become conformed to this world. Renew your mind and stand firm against the attacks of the devil. Don't let the evil forces of this world get the best of you.

Scripture Reading Romans 12:1-2

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