
Monday, February 26, 2007

Quick Study "He Will Bless Me"

This is a promise that we as Christians need to remember. The promise of God's blessing on His children. When we walk in faithfulness and obedience, and what we do honors the Father, in return He will bless us. So here is a question for you. Is God good all the time? Think about it for a bit. Think about what you have been taught over the years and then ask yourself this question again. Is God good all the time? Well, if God is good, He has to be good all the time. For God does not change, He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. That means that He wanted to bless back then, now, and forever. He wants to surround His children with goodwill and favor. God will bless you coming in, He will bless you when you go out. He will bless you at your job, and in case you lost your job because of unforseen circumstances, He will bless you for the efforts you put in. Even when you think that God has forgotten about you, and you may not be inline for the blessing, don't lose faith. God is good, and He will always follow through on His promise.

Scripture Reading Psalms 5:12

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